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Grep or Search Text in Files on Computes


OneOps has a couple of actions available on “Volume” components to help text-search one or multiple files on a compute.

  • log-grep: You can search a regex text in one or multiple files. The result of the grep search is printed on the action execution log.
  • log-grep-count: Same as above but the result printed is the total number of lines matched in each files and not the actual matched text content.

Action Location

  1. Go to the operations of any volume component and find the two actions in the actions drop-down menu as shown below.
  2. Alternatively, go one level up and select multiple volume component objects and execute the actions on all of them at the same time.

Action Parameters Window

  1. It is necessary to enter two mandatory arguments:
    • Files (Use the absolute file path in which you want to search a regex. If you have multiple files to search in, separate their full paths with a space)
    • Search Regex Pattern
  2. There are also two optional arguments to specify at what line # the search should start and at what line it should end. By default, it searches the whole file or files.

Grep log new

log-grep Action Result

As shown below, the result of the log-grep action is printed on the output of the action execution. For each match, it prints the name of the file followed by the line # matched and then the actual line.

Log grep action result

log-grep-count Action Result

As shown below, the result of the log-grep-count action is printed on the output of the action execution. It prints the filename followed by the total number of lines matched.

Log grep count action result