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Secrets Client Component

The secrets client component exposes files containing secrets such as property files with password, keystore files, ssh keys and others on the file system of each compute of a platform.

The default mount point is /secrets and exposes the secret files on a tmpfs file system. tempfs is a temporary storage facility intended to appear as a mounted file system that persists in memory rather than on disk. Access can be limited by configuring User and Group ownership.

Currently only Linux-based computes are supported.

The secrets are managed via the OneOps Secrets Proxy and stored by Keywhiz. OneOps users can interact with the proxy to manage their secret files using the OneOps Secrets CLI.

Secrets are synchronized to the computes every 30 seconds and can be accessed via normal file system operation in your application.

Typical steps necessary to start using the secrets client component are:

OneOps Security Configuration

Access to secrets for an assembly in OneOps is managed via membership in teams:

  • Create a team in your organization named secrets-admin, or for assembly-specific access named secrets-admin-<assembly-name>.
  • Add the Assembly Permissions to to allow modifications in design and transition.
  • Add the User Members or Group Members as desired.
  • Add the team to the assemblies where you want to use secrets.

OneOps Secrets CLI

The OneOps Secrets CLI is a command line tool that allows a user to manage their secret files in the OneOps Secrets Proxy.

Downloading and Installing

Download the latest version of the CLI from the Central Repository at http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/oneops/secrets-cli and locate the latest version in the above folder. Then download the file named secrets-cli-*-executable.jar, rename it to secrets and add it to your PATH.

For example:

mkdir ~/bin
cd ~/bin
curl -o secrets http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/oneops/secrets-cli/1.0.3/secrets-cli-1.0.3-executable.jar
chmod a+x secrets
export PATH=~/bini:$PATH

Now you can run the application using the command secrets info as a first test:

$ secrets info
OneOps Secrets CLI: v1.0.3
Built on 2017-10-04 11:12:57 PM UTC

Note that if the secrets application does not work on your operating system, you can download thesecrets-cli-*-uber.jar and use it with

java -jar secrets-cli-1.0.3-uber.jar

Apart from the different invocation, the command behaves identically.

To configure the secrets CLI to access your specific OneOps and OneOps secret proxy instances securely, you need to configure the URLs, the truststore and the truststore password and expose them as environment variables:

export SECRETS_PROXY_BASEURL=<secrets proxy url>
export SECRETS_PROXY_TRUSTSTORE=file:<secrets proxy pkcs12 trust store file path>
export ONEOPS_BASEURL=<oneops_url>

Alternatively your organization can build a binary with the necessary configuration embedded and make it available for download to your users.

Adding Secrets

With the secrets CLI configured, you can now add a secrets file such as access.properties to a specific environment in the chosen assembly.

secrets add -u <username> -a <application> -d <description> access.properties

The username value is your username in OneOps. Execution triggers a prompt for the password.

The application is the concatenated value from your organization name, the assembly name and the name of the environment separated by underscore - orgname_assemblyname_envname. E.g. for the qa environment in the petstore assembly within the training organization the application value to use is training_petstore_qa.

Other Operations

The secrets CLI supports numerous other operations that are listed via a built-in help accessible via an invocation without parameters:

$ secrets
usage: secrets <command> [<args>]
The most commonly used secrets commands are:
    add        Add secret for an application.
    clients    Show all clients for the application.
    delete     Delete a secret.
    details    Get a client/secret details of an application.
    get        Retrieve secret from vault.
    help       Display help information
    info       Show OneOps Secrets CLI version info.
    list       List all secrets for the application.
    log        Tail (no-follow) secrets cli log file.
    revert     Revert secret to the given version index.
    update     Update an existing secret.
    versions   Retrieve versions of a secret, sorted from newest to oldest update time.

See 'secrets help <command>' for more information on a specific command.

Detailed help for each command is available via the help command e.g.

        secrets add - Add secret for an application.

        secrets add -a <Application name> -d <Description> [-n <Secret name>]
                [-u <User>] [-v] [--] <Secrets file>

        -a <Application name>
            OneOps App name (org_assembly_env), which you have secret-admin

Update OneOps Assembly

Now that the secrets are available via the proxy and security configuration is completed, you can edit your assembly to access them:

  • add the secrets client component to the relevant platform in design
  • pull the design changes to the desired environments
  • release and deploy the environments to operation

Once the deployment is completed you can verify that everything is working by accessing a compute via SSH and checking the contents of the /secrets folder. It contains all the secrets added for the specific environment of the assembly.

Secret Access

With the secrets client component in place, all your secrets are available via standard file system operations.

Typically applications load the secrets during their startup procedure. As a consequence, you need to restart the application after any relevant secret changes. Alternatively, you can implement a polling for secrets and automatic reloading.

Configuration Files

If your application loads configuration files to access secrets, you can simply manage those files with the secrets proxy and then update the reference to load those files.

For example, if the default location is configured to use /opt/myapp/conf/access.properties, change it to e.g. /secrets/access.properties.

If this is not possible you might be able to use symbolic links to the files as an alternative.


Java offers numerous ways to load files and secrets. The following example loads a properties file from /opt/myapp/conf/access.properties.

String configPath = "/opt/myapp/conf/access.properties"";

Properties props = new Properties();
props.load(new FileInputStream(configPath));

To change the loading to use the secrets location, simply change the configPath variable value to e.g. /secrets/access.properties.


NodeJS can, for example, load JSON formatted properties file with the require function and you can simply change the path to the file.

For example with the config.json file of

  username: "admin"
  password: "mNQTic8mUtYLtdm"

Loading the content can be achieved with

var config = require('./config/config.json');

and the values are available at config.username and config.password.

Changing this to use the secret storage, is as simple as changing the path:

var config = require('/secrets/config.json');


Reading a secret file in Python can use the standard open function with the path to the /secrets mount.
