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The typical way of running OneOps is by having it managed by OneOps itself. The following example assumes that it is running in the organization oneops and the open source circuit of packs circuit-oneops-1.

Listing Packs

The user interface URL for showing the packs is https://server/oneops/catalog#packs. The equivalent JSON data is available at https://server/oneops/catalog/packs.json:

  packs: {
    oneops: {
      docker: [
      cassandra: [

Inspecting a Pack

As a next steps we investigate the cassandra pack in the user interface at https://server/oneops/catalog/packs/oneops/cassandra/1/platforms/cassandra.

The components in the pack are available as JSON data at https://server/oneops/catalog/packs/oneops/cassandra/1/platforms/cassandra/components.json. The information in the response includes required as well as optional components in the pack:

    rfcId: 0,
    releaseId: 0,
    ciId: 1592134537,
    nsPath: "/public/oneops/packs/cassandra/1",
    ciClassName: "mgmt.catalog.oneops.1.Storage",
    impl: null,
    ciName: "storage",
    ciGoid: "1592134537-31977-159212537",
    ciState: "default",
    rfcAction: null,
    releaseType: null,
    createdBy: null,
    updatedBy: null,
    rfcCreatedBy: null,
    rfcUpdatedBy: null,
    execOrder: 0,
    lastAppliedRfcId: 0,
    comments: "root:/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p547/bin/knife",
    isActiveInRelease: false,
    rfcCreated: null,
    rfcUpdated: null,
    created: 1473894033684,
    updated: 1473894033684,
    ciAttributes: {
    volume_type: "GENERAL",
    size: "20G",
    slice_count: "1"
  ciBaseAttributes: { },
  ciAttrProps: {
    owner: { }

The map in ciAttributes contains the actual attributes of the component, based on its meta data definition and pack overrides. You can get more information about a specific component by accessing the JSON formatted component data using the component name. E.g. for the volume component use https://server/oneops/catalog/packs/oneops/cassandra/1/platforms/cassandra/components/volume.json. The returned data includes defined relationships for the component and other metadata such as ciAttributes, requires, dependents and dependsOn.

This data includes constraints such as only allowing one component per platform (1..1) and the requirement for another component like a compute:

requires": {
  relationAttributes": {
    "constraint": "1..1",
   "services": "compute",

Class Metadata

The API includes a method to access the metadata for a given class with the help of its name - the ciClassName often returned as part of other API calls for entities. The metadata API endpoints supports the class_name argument for a request to a URL such as https://server/metadata?class_name=catalog.oneops.1.Volume. The metadata API returns all known data about the specific class such as its default values, relations and other attributes:

  classId: 32172,
  className: "catalog.oneops.1.Volume",
  shortClassName: "Volume",
  superClassId: 32155,
  superClassName: "base.oneops.1.Volume",
  accessLevel: "global",
  impl: "oo::chef-11.18.12",
  isNamespace: false,
  flags: null,
  useClassNameNS: false,
  description: "Volume",
  extFormat: null,
  created: 1452727128309,
  mdAttributes: [ ... ],
  fromRelations: [ ... ],
  toRelations: [ ... ],
  actions: []