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Home > developer > integration development > Advanced Search and Search API

By default, search runs against Elasticsearch indices that are generated based on the actual data in a content management system CMS. Advanced search can be activated by appending ?source=cms to the URL and access the CMS directly.

Search Criteria

The advanced search mode adds further controls to the search criteria beyond the criteria from standard search.


Scope sets the phase of the OneOps lifecycle or narrows the search to a specific core entity such as account. For example, to search realized instances of a compute, select operations(bom*). To go to the compute configuration that is specific to an environment, choose transition(manifest*).


The class input allows you to define a specific entity class to be searched and supports auto-completion.


Once a class is selected, the attribute control aloows you to compose a entity-specific condition for the search with the attribute name, value and a match with equal, not equal or contains.

For example, the compute class has various attributes like public_ip, public_dns, osname and many others, which can be used to create a search condition to find a specific compute.