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Visibility - OneOps Release 17.03.30-STABLE

Visibility and control is theme that can be seen in our current release. Specifically we are adding visibility into some statistics about pack usage in operation. This information is useful for pack users, authors and administrators. And we are adding control to restrict pack usage for authors.

The operation statistics are visible to users when creating a pack and include information such as number of assemblings using the pack, number of computes and others.

As a pack developer or author you can restrict your pack to be used only in specified organizations. This allows you to e.g. restrict it to your own organization while you develop it and improve it.

Beyond these changes we have a couple of other improvements for you:

New Features

  • Display pack usage related operation statistics
    • when adding platform in assembly creation screen for users
    • in pack administration section
    • see Commit
  • Support for Windows domain account usage with SQL server pack - PR
  • Ability for pack author/owner to restrict usage to specific organizations in a OneOps deployment - Commit

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Display specific threshold violation directly with unhealthy compute display - Commit
  • Performance improvements for deployment plan generation - PR
  • Changed default step size for compute replacements to use stepped roll out instead of 100%
  • Ensure master volume is correctly created for Elasticsearch pack - PR

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